Search Results
A Disentangled Latent Space for Cross-Site MRI Harmonization | MICCAI 2020
Latents2Segments: Disentangling the Latent Space of Gen. Models for Semantic Segm. of Face Images
Retrospective and Prospective Harmonization of Multi-Site Diffusion MRI Data
Talks and Tutorials on multi site data harmonization deconfounding
Jerry L. Prince delivers the keynote at DALI MICCAI Workshop | MICCAI 2021
4 WAYS to Combine Your Diffusion MRI Data across Sites and Scanners
Harmonizing MRI datasets for MS studies
Yogesh Rathi, PhD: Diffusion MRI data harmonization for large scale data analysis
Opportunities & Obstacles in Precision Multimodal MRI
Data Leveraging, Harmonization and Innovation - Imaging Core Webinar - November 6, 2020
Disentangling from A Single MR Modality | MICCAI 2022
Harmonization of Outcomes and Measures: Selection and Performance - Ingrid Holm